20 Apr 22 Update

We are still waiting on the state for the articles of incorporation. Work has begun on our mission statement and bylaws.

Location, location, location. We are following up with leads provided Thank you to everyone that has provided leads. Please keep your eyes open for other potential spaces.

I meet with the members of Men’s Shed Association of West Michigan. They have a 1,000 square foot woodshop and have several community based projects in the works. Once we are up and running we hope to collaborate on some of the community projects. You can check them out at: https://mensshedwm.org/

A face-to-face meeting and virtual meeting will take place on May 4th at 8:00 pm at 1345 Monroe Ave NW, park in back lot and go through center entrance. The virtual meeting will be via Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ntu-wfet-xke

A PO Box has been set up for the Makerspace:

Grand River Makerspace, PO Box 401, Grandville, MI, 49468

The questionnaire asking about times is still up, and please provide your email for updates : Click Here

To view the previous updates use this link