20 Jan 22 Update

The reply from GRCC: The space at GRCC is only for students; however, the head of the department is moving our request up to see if the school is interested in hosting a Makerspace.

An email was also sent to GVSU, and we are still waiting for a reply.

A second questionnaire for voting on a name is available here: 2nd Makerspace Questionnaire will be available until the morning of the 26th.

As soon as we have a name determined, paperwork will be filed with the state and IRS. If anyone has a legal professional contact that could look over the paperwork, please DM me.

We have a Webmaster standing by to design a site and an accompanying brochure for distribution at events.

We are still looking for a space. We tentatively have one for lease at 1500 Buchanan. Plans are being drawn, and I will share them with the group when available. This is a 7500 square foot space, and the owner is willing to install an overhead door for our auto shop area.

We have over 70 interested individuals. I'm unable to post an exact amount due to deleting the original post. The 1st questionnaire has 83 responses, with Woodworking having a solid lead.

The meetings on the 26th:

10 am https://meet.google.com/sdy-hgey-gep

6 pm https://meet.google.com/ntu-wfet-xke

Hope to see you there.