23 Jun 22 Update

We are still waiting on our 501C3 approval from the IRS. It’s coming up on the six months we were warned it might take when we originally submitted for it. Waiting for the 501C3 is holding up asking for donations, applying for grants, and getting a free work suite from Google.

newbknight has agreed to join forces with us, which will expand our offerings once we have a space. This collaboration has doubled the amount of equipment we will have from day 1, including a 4-axis CNC and laser cutter.
We are exploring ways to collaborate with Lions and Rabbits, including sharing a building. We are still looking for an interim space in the meantime. We have a couple of buildings that we are getting the specifics on.

Our entry to the Confluence Festival is for a CNC cutting out a mold and making resin models. We should know by the 27th if our application will be accepted.
I visited the Lansing Makers Network, and we gained a floor-standing drill press. Check them out at https://www.lansingmakersnetwork.org/. LMN has an approximately 20K building that they are still filling out and an active class schedule.